বৃহস্পতিবার, ৫ নভেম্বর, ২০০৯

Angelina Jolie has ended the bitter feud with her estranged father

Hollywood superstar Angelina Jolie has ended the bitter feud with her estranger father actor Jon Voight, and is back in touch with him.The 34-year old actress, who is bringing up six children with partner Brad Pitt had cut all ties with her father after his womanising ways ended his marriage to Jolie's mother, French actress Marcheline Bertrand.And Jolie insists she wants to raise her kids differently."Both my parents were very focused on helping other people and supported charities all their lives. I don't want them raised as children who have 'movie star' parents. I grew up around that myself and I want to make sure ours are removed from it," she added.....Read more

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