The actress — who has previously dated singer Justin Timberlake — says she doesn’t want details of who she’s romancing splashed across blogs, magazines and TV shows.“Love lives of the famous are distractions from people’s own love lives,” Diaz, 37, told Parade magazine. “There are some celebrities who like to sell their own experiences, who are just out front with it. And that’s something that people can buy. And there are other people who have their moments stolen from them by the media and by the paparazzi.“Then millions of readers and TV viewers occupy their time with those stolen moments. If I’m missing from the pages and the blogs and the shows, I don’t think that’s such a devastation.“I don’t have to prove anything to anybody,” she adds. “I know who I am. I have my own sense of myself. And the things that I do, I do for myself and to challenge myself and to have my own experience.“I’m in a completely different place in my life now and I’m very comfortable where I’m at. I’m looking forward to the future. I’m looking forward to this afternoon and tomorrow and the next day and a month from now.”
Diaz recently revealed that she’ll quit Hollywood when it makes her unhappy.
Diaz recently revealed that she’ll quit Hollywood when it makes her unhappy.
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